
Authored by Thammaiah BN, Managing Director , PERSOLKELLY India

employee shaking hands

迴力鏢員工」 指稱那些離開一家公司但後來再次返回的人。 這一趨勢最近變得更加流行,主要是因為COVID-19大流行對勞動力造成了許多變化。


我們最近在LinkedIn上進行了一項調查,以進一步探討大多數雇主決定重新雇用「迴力鏢員工」 背後的激勵因素

下面的圖表代表了調查結果 :

你應該成為其中之一嗎? - 利與弊




















當你回到公司時,你的同事可能會認為你不夠投入或擁有雄心壯志,因為他們可能會認為你沒有在其他地方有更好的選擇。 這種想法可能會改變你與同事相處的方式,影響你們作為團隊合作的方式,甚至可能阻止你獲得領導職位或額外的任務。







如果你正考慮成為一名迴力鏢員工,重新回到以前的公司,那麼以周到和戰略性的心態接受這個機會至關重要。 重新與以前的同事和老板建立聯繫,並利用這些聯繫進行合作和支持。確保對變化持開放態度,表現出對回歸的熱情。分享你在外部經驗中獲得的新想法,並始終表達你在公司內晉升的抱負,以追求職業成長。



迴力鏢員工越來越普遍,顯示了職場的重大變化。雖然成為一名迴力鏢員工可以提供獨特的好處 :

  • 在做出決定之前,權衡潛在的缺點也是至關重要的。當你考慮回去或嘗試新事物時,要思考你的目標和公司的情況。

  • 要對變化和成長持開放態度,以確保充實的職業生涯。請記住,你的選擇應該與你的目標相符,並有助於你在工作中取得進步。


‘Boomerang employees’ is a phrase that refers to people who leave a company but later return to work there again. This trend has become more popular recently, primarily because of the COVID-19 pandemic which has caused numerous changes in the workforce.

Previous data reveals almost 20% of workers who resigned from their jobs during the pandemic have now re-joined their former employers This is a big opportunity for companies as a significant number of them want to rehire their old employees and are still connected with their ex-employees who had left on good terms. However, this phenomenon could pose a challenge for companies aiming to retain their recently hired staff. These recent hires might want to leave and go back to their old jobs, making it tough for employers to keep their skilled workers.

We have recently conducted a poll on LinkedIn to further explore the motivating factors behind most employers' decisions in rehiring a boomerang employee.

The chart below represents the results:

Should You Become One? – The Pros and Cons

The Harvard Business Review found that a notable 28% of 'new hires’ were actually people who had left their jobs at the same company in the last three years.

This number raises the question of whether employees should consider becoming one of them. Let’s explore the pros and cons of being a boomerang employee.

The Pros

Immediate Skill Application

Going back to a previous company means that you have the important company knowledge and skill set that can be used right away. This can be beneficial for both you and the employer, as there is no need for an extensive training period that is usually conducted during the onboarding process. Leveraging your acquired knowledge of the company's systems and processes can greatly cut down costs and time for the organisation.

Efficient Adaptation

As you come back to a company as a returning employee, the process of fitting in and adapting is easier following your previous experience with the company. This will not only speed up the process but also motivate you to channel enhanced output and efficiency without needing excessive training. Additionally, your acknowledgement of the company's environment and cultural gratitude helps keep things steady and strengthen the values everyone shares. As a result, the team works better together – leading to overall success for the company.

Strong Professional Network

Rejoining your former employer provides you with the unique opportunity to tap into the network of professional connections you have already established during your previous tenure. This network can prove to be valuable in various aspects of your career.

Career Growth Opportunities

When you return to a former employer, it gives you a strong chance to move up in your career – especially if the company values your skills and what you have done before. Even more so when you have a growing understanding of the related industry and insights into the competitors from your prior engagements. They might be able to see your potential and give you more important roles or interesting projects that can be a good fit for you.

Reduced Job Search Uncertainty

During times of economic uncertainty and strong job market competition, going back to a previous employer can provide a comforting sense of stability and security. This becomes even more relevant during the ‘great resignation’ trend, where many people are leaving their jobs. Returning to a workplace you already know well, with its dynamics and culture, can reduce the stress of changing careers.

The Cons

Stagnation and Growth Limitation

While rejoining a previous job can bring immediate benefits like familiarity and comfort, it may also pose the risk of stagnation if the company lacks clear pathways for vertical or horizontal advancement. Without new challenges and opportunities, you might find your career growth limited – potentially hindering your professional development and long-term aspirations.

Residual Issues

Returning to a former employer could mean facing the same problems that made you leave previously. If the company has not fixed issues like management, workplace culture, or other problems, you might feel unhappy again. This can affect how satisfied and engaged you are with your work.

Perception by Peers

When you come back, your coworkers might think you are not very committed or ambitious – as they might believe you did not have better choices somewhere else. This idea could change how you get along with your colleagues, work together as a team and even stop you from getting leadership roles or additional tasks.

Negotiation Power

When rejoining your former employer, you might face challenges in negotiating your terms of employment – including compensation and benefits. The company may assume that your eagerness to return will lead you to accept less competitive offers, potentially putting you at a disadvantage in salary discussions and negotiations.

Adjustment Challenges

Despite your previous experience with the company, returning after a period of absence can still present adjustment challenges. The workplace might have undergone changes, such as new team members, updated policies, or shifts in the company’s structure. Integrating seamlessly back into the work environment may require flexibility and open-mindedness to navigate these changes successfully.

Ultimately, deciding to go back to a previous job depends on your personal situation, what you want for your career and the details of the company's offer. Considering the pros and cons can help you decide if returning to your old workplace matches your future career goals.

What You Should or Shouldn’t Do as a Boomerang Employee

If you find yourself considering the prospect of becoming a boomerang employee and returning to your former employer, it's essential to approach this opportunity with a thoughtful and strategic mindset. Reconnect with your former colleagues and bosses, and use these connections for collaboration and support. Make sure to be open to changes and show enthusiasm for returning. Share your outside experiences for fresh ideas and always aim for career growth by expressing your ambition to advance within the company.

Don't dwell on past issues; focus on making a positive impact in your current role. Adapt well to new team dynamics and follow updated company policies. Expand your network by connecting with new employees to promote a sense of belonging and create growth opportunities. Following these guidelines will help you make the most of your boomerang experience and achieve your career goals in your former organisation.


Boomerang employees are on the rise, showing a big change in the professional world. Although being a boomerang employee can offer unique benefits:

  • It is also crucial to weigh the potential drawbacks before making a decision. As you contemplate going back or trying something new, think about your goals and the company's situation.
  • Be open to changes and growth to ensure a fulfilling career journey. Remember, your choice should match your goals and help you improve at work.

Is being a boomerang employee in your future? Are you still uncertain about your next step? Head over to our career page for a fresh and new opportunity with PERSOLKELLY.