
Authored by PERSOLKELLY team, PERSOLKELLY, Global

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The hybrid work model is a new addition to how organisations work since pandemic. To keep up with the world and attract the best talent, most organisations are adapting to this new ‘normal’ and learning to make the most of this new style of work.

In a hybrid work model, choice matters the most. Employees can be working from the office today, and then working from home, a cafe,or a hill station the next day - the ball is in the employee’s court so as long their employers are agreeable to the prior management. The goal of allowing such flexibility is to empower employees to decide what best suits them to keep them safe and productive at work. As fascinating and empowering as it sounds, this new working model is slightly challenging to nurture and manage.

While the model works differently for each company, here are some of the ways leaders can sustain and leverage a hybrid work model without compromising on employee satisfaction and organisational productivity.

Say No to Micro-Management 

Micromanagement, in today’s time, is a trait least expected and appreciated. Especially in the hybrid model, it holds no relevance at all. Since the major objective of the hybrid model is to allow employees to have more flexibility, micromanaging can lead to conflicts and high turnover rates in the company. 

Ensure Frequent Communication And Build Trust

Hybrid work models can leave room for biases and misunderstandings due to the lack of communication. Due to the high flexibility offered, managers and employees may sometimes fail to understand each other's points of view. This affects the organisation’s performance and creates conflicts.

Under the hybrid model, employees can work at their own pace and at a time best suited to their schedule. Therefore, managers’ focus should be on ensuring efficient and productive workflow instead of focusing on the number of hours put in by the employees. Constant nagging can lead to issues like a lack of work-life balance, deteriorating employee mental health and wellbeing. So, it is important to trust your people to work well, wherever they are.

Define Roles Clearly

While working in a hybrid setting, employees are often unclear about their roles and responsibilities in the company due to the lack of in-person communication. Therefore, it is even more important for managers to define each employee's job role and responsibilities clearly. This will help in optimissing the company's human resource by reducing redundant work such as having many employees doing the same task in different ways.

Make Use of Technology

Hybrid work models are driven by modern technology. Managers can create better communication and increase employees' productivity by using the available technological tools in the market. The tools are useful to help managers in managing their employees and ensuring that they are doing well in adapting to the work culture as well as their roles in the company.


Training is an integral part of ensuring a productive hybrid work environment. When new employees join the company under hybrid mode, or existing employees migrate from the traditional working method to this new method, it is important to train them and the managers to adapt to the new ways of working efficiently. After the employees have gone through the proper training, they will be able to understand their responsibilities and put in their effort to keep the work going smoothly. The importance of teamwork should be highlighted during the training because it will help remote employees to perform well when there is positive team dynamic. As managers, it is your responsibility to instill the values of teamwork among team members with the help of the right training modules.

Respect working styles

Each employee has their own working style and comfort zone. Therefore, before setting any rules, regulations, and policies, it is important to consider varying opinions. In a hybrid world, compassion and respect work better than micromanagement. When everyone respects each other's work style, your hybrid work mode will be successful. It is best to check in with your team members regularly and ask them how they will feel more comfortable in the organisation.

Create a Nurturing Culture

Hybrid work can only be successful when there is a clear and transparent company culture that supports your business goals and meets employee expectations. Leaders who are supportive, empathetic, and able to communicate clearly can sustain the new working model and keep the people within the company.

It is important to note that a new working model requires a major shift in the mindset of leaders. Working hours, rules and work habits will change as the company migrates from a traditional work environment to a hybrid model. Processes need to be rethought and new strategies need to be built before diving into a new way of working.

This pandemic has changed the face of work. Work may never be the same as it once was. Are you ready to adopt the new normal? We are here to help you if you need any HR advisory.