
Authored by PERSOLKELLY team, PERSOLKELLY, Global

meta verse




元宇宙的革新在它是Web 3.0 發展的一部份。去中心化的新互聯網也意味著其上的所有數據和內容不再受到Apple、Google、Microsoft和Amazon等科技巨頭的控制。因此儘管像是Meta和Disney等許多公司正在將注意力轉向元宇宙,最終也無法寡占新的網際網絡。



元宇宙也允許企業透過無縫的溝通方式重現面對面會議,諸如這樣的方式都能更有效地管理遠端人力。Facebook 目前正在測試一款名為Horizon Workrooms的商務會議VR APP,人們可以透過APP使用頭戴式裝置進行互動。




雖然目前我們只是觸及了元宇宙中人力資源應用的最表層,但重要的是認知這些技術要到 2030 年左右才會成熟。我們尚未看到任何主導性的平台會否出現,也尚未完全了解 XR 等新技術的潛力。

無論未來的方向如何,PERSOLKELLY 都將密切關注人力資源領域的元宇宙最新趨勢。我們提供客製化的跨國人事方案,客戶因此得以利用我們的跨國人事專業獲得最高效益。我們也很期待元宇宙將如何改變我們的行業。

How the metaverse will transform the HR industry

It is safe to say that the concept of the ‘metaverse’ went mainstream in 2021 when Facebook announced that it would rebrand its parent company as Meta to underline its new focus on the immersive world of the metaverse. But what exactly is the metaverse and what applications are there in the HR space?

Taking social experiences into a new dimension

The metaverse is essentially a more interactive version of today’s social networks. Through technology such as XR (extended reality), AI (artificial intelligence) and blockchain, users are able to interact with each other in a virtual world through 3D avatars. Devices like virtual reality headsets can augment the experience, but are not a critical tool to take part in the metaverse.

What is transformational about the metaverse is that it forms part of the development to create a new world wide web – Web 3.0. This new version of the internet is expected to be decentralised, meaning that all data and contents on it are no longer controlled by tech giants such as Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon. So while many companies like Meta and Disney are currently turning their attention to the metaverse, they ultimately won’t get to control this new network.

Increased productivity for remote workforce

Eventually, we will be able to conduct these activities in the metaverse: work meetings, catching up with friends, shopping and attending live performances. It is expected to have a profound impact on the way brands interact and engage with their customers.

The metaverse will also allow companies to manage a remote workforce more effectively - for instance, by enabling more seamless communications that will closely replicate the face-to-face experience and encourage collaboration. Facebook is currently testing a remote work app named Horizon Workrooms, through which people can interact with each other using the Oculus headsets.

This new way of work allows the remote workforce to be as productive as office-based staff. This in turn means that companies will no longer be restricted to their local area to find new talent and could potentially recruit candidates from all around the world (or at least in the same time zone).

Recruitment experience and L&D also stand to benefit

It is also easy to see how the metaverse can be leveraged for the recruitment process. Not only can it be used in the interview process, but it also could allow candidates to learn more about working at the company and its culture through a virtual world, not to mention onboarding when a candidate is eventually hired. The metaverse also promises to revolutionise learning and development, with staff able to take part in fully immersive remote training sessions in virtual rooms.

While we are only scratching the surface of the potential HR applications within the metaverse, it is important to realise that the technology that will facilitate these experiences is not expected to mature until around 2030 at the earliest. We have yet to see if any dominant platforms will emerge, as well as fully understand the potential of new technologies such as XR.

Regardless of what will happen over the coming years, PERSOLKELLY will keep its finger on the pulse of the latest metaverse trends in HR. We offer borderless customised solutions that leverage our capabilities as a regional specialist in end-to-end HR solutions and are excited to see how the metaverse will transform our industry.